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Microeconomic analysis of dynamic changes in the russian labor market – Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE

Microeconomic analysis of dynamic changes in the russian labor market


Peter, Klara Sabirianova (1998). Microeconomic analysis of dynamic changes in the russian labor market. Problems of Economic Transition, 41(3), 66-88.


An analysis of dynamic changes in the Russian labor market is based on an assessment of the movement of the population among the three alternative states of the labor market (or categories of employment): employment, unemployment, and economic inactivity. As a starting point, we have used a classification of the employed and unemployed population based on the methodology of the International Labor Organization (ILO).>sup>1>/sup> Figure 1 presents a general diagram of the definition of the principal states of employment.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Problems of Economic Transition


Peter, Klara Sabirianova