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Does happiness pay? An exploration based on panel data from Russia – Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE

Does happiness pay? An exploration based on panel data from Russia


Graham, Carol; Eggers, Andrew; & Sukhtankar, Sandip (2004). Does happiness pay? An exploration based on panel data from Russia. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 55(3), 319-342.


Well-being research has supported the common sense view that income, health, and other factors affect happiness. We use panel data from Russia to assess the reverse causation — that happiness itself affects income, health, and other factors. We find that people who had higher “residual happiness” in 1995 – people who were happier after correcting for the usual determinants of well-being – made more money and were in better health in a survey 5 years later. Psychologists attribute a large part of well-being to factors such as self-esteem and optimism. The same factors appear to influence individuals’ wealth and health.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization


Graham, Carol
Eggers, Andrew
Sukhtankar, Sandip