Kumo, Kazuhiro (2012). Determinants of childbirth in Russia: a micro-data approach.
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 53(1), 49-69.
This paper uses the micro-data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) to identify factors that explain fertility between 1995 and 2004. The analysis based on micro-data supports the experience of other countries that fertility is not solely determined by short-term factors such as rising incomes or by the economic climate. Evidence also suggests that childbirth incentive measures may only have a short-term impact. There are questions meanwhile over the sustainability of providing cash payments in return for childbirth on a scale that exceeds average incomes, as is the case with the Mothers' Fund.
URL Type
Journal Article
Year Published
Journal Title
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics
Kumo, Kazuhiro