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Einkommen, Mobilität und individuelle Präferenzen für Umverteilung: ein Discrete-Choice-Experiment – Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE

Einkommen, Mobilität und individuelle Präferenzen für Umverteilung: ein Discrete-Choice-Experiment


Pfarr, Christian (2013). Einkommen, Mobilität und individuelle Präferenzen für Umverteilung: ein Discrete-Choice-Experiment. Mohr Siebeck.


Whereas the supply of redistribution is relatively easy to measure, the determinants of the demand for redistribution are controversially discussed in the international literature. In general, existing studies use survey data and are therefore not able to predict individuals' decision making under the restriction of a budget constraint. In this study, Christian Pfarr aims at eliciting preferences for redistribution in Germany with the help of a decision experiment (Discrete Choice Experiment), based on a representative sample. With the use of this experiment, he addresses the following questions: What is the optimal budget available for redistribution? How much are individuals willing to pay for redistribution? And how does the current, past and expected income position affect individuals' preferences for redistribution?


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Pfarr, Christian