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Euler equation with habits and measurement errors: estimates on Russian micro data – Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE

Euler equation with habits and measurement errors: estimates on Russian micro data


Khvostova, Irina; Larin, Alexander; & Novak, Anna (2014). Euler equation with habits and measurement errors: estimates on Russian micro data. Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 52/EC/2014.


This paper presents estimates for the
consumption Euler equation for Russia. The estimation is based on micro-level panel data and accounts for the preference heterogeneity, measurement errors, and the impact of macroeconomic shocks. The presence of multiplicative habits is checked with the LM-test in a GMM framework. We obtain estimates of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution and of the subjective discount factor, which
are consistent with the theoretical model and can be used for calibration, as well as for a Bayesian estimation of DSGE models for the Russian economy. We also show that the effects of habit formation are not significant. The hypotheses on habits (external, internal, and both external and internal) are not supported by the data.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 52/EC/2014


Khvostova, Irina
Larin, Alexander
Novak, Anna