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Trends in poverty, inequality and human deprivation – Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE

Trends in poverty, inequality and human deprivation


Cornia, Giovanni Andrea; Zavikhulla, Nasretdinkhodjaev; Tuktarov, Artur; & Abduganieva, Yulduz (2003). Trends in poverty, inequality and human deprivation.. Cornia, Giovanni Andrea (Ed.) (pp. 51-90).


This chapter analyses the changes in the intensity of poverty and human deprivation during the ten years of transition (1992-2002) in connection with the main economic and social changes intervened in the country and with the economic and social policies introduced by the Government during this period. As the poverty trend is closely related to changes in aggregate growth and the distribution of income, Section 3.3 of this chapter analyses the changes that have occurred in the latter area while changes in output growth are analysed in detail in Chapters 1 and 2. The analysis in this chapter is essential to identify the groups at the greatest risk of poverty, malnutrition and ill health, their socio-economic features and the endogenous and policy-related factors responsible for this situation. This information will form the basis for the recommendation on the policy approaches required to reduce poverty and human deprivation over the medium-term.


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Year Published



Cornia, Giovanni Andrea
Zavikhulla, Nasretdinkhodjaev
Tuktarov, Artur
Abduganieva, Yulduz