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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Dimova, Ralitza; Gang, Ira N.; Gbakou, Monnet Benoit Patrick; & Hoffman, Daniel (2010). Can economic crises be good for your diet?. Discussion paper series // Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit 5610.

Dmitriev, Mikhail (2010). Fertility. Abortion. Contraception. Demographic situation in Russia in 1994-2003. Munich Personal RePEc Archive Paper no. 21151.

Dookeran, Nemeeta M.; Battaglia, Tracy; Cochran, Jennifer; & Geltman, Paul L. (2010). Chronic disease and its risk factors among refugees and asylees in Massachusetts, 2001-2005. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(3), A51.

Duncan, Denvil R. (2010). Essays on personal income taxation and income inequality. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Duncan, Denvil R. & Peter, Klara Sabirianova (2010). Does labour supply respond to a flat tax?. Economics of Transition, 18(2), 365-404.

Earle, John S.; Spicer, Andrew; & Peter, Klara Sabirianova (2010). The normalization of deviant organizational practices: wage arrears in Russia, 1991-98. The Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), 53(2), 218-237.

Eberstadt, Nicholas & Groth, Hans (2010). Die Russische Föderation im Zeichen der demografischen Krise: Alterung und Maßnahmen zur sozialen Sicherheit. Internationale Revue für Soziale Sicherheit, 63(3 4), 24-62.

Eberstadt, Nicholas & Groth, Hans (2010). La Fédération de Russie face aux défis du vieillissement et de la sécurité sociale dans un contexte de crise démographique. Revue internationale de sécurité sociale, 63(3 4), 24-63.

Eberstadt, Nicholas & Groth, Hans (2010). The Russian Federation: confronting the special challenges of ageing and social security policy in an era of demographic crisis. International Social Security Review, 63(3 4), 23-58.

Fiorio, Carlo V. & Saget, Catherine (2010). Reducing or aggravating inequality? Preliminary findings from the 2008 financial crisis. International Labour Office Working Paper no. 95.