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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Mersiyanova, Irina Vladimirovna & Yakobson, Lev I. (2010). Philanthropy in Russia: public attitudes and participation. Higher School of Economics Publishing House.

Miller, Tim; Mason, Carl; & Holz, Mauricio (2010). The fiscal impact of demographic change in ten Latin American countries: projecting public expenditures in education, health, and pensions.. Cotlear, Daniel (Ed.) (pp. 233-270). Washington DC: The World Bank.

Molnár, György & Kapitány, Zsuzsa (2010). Unreported income, education and subjective well-being. Budapest: Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Mrowczynski, Rafael (2010). Mittelschichten im postsozialistischen Russland. (pp. 35-82). Springer VS.

Nivorozhkin, Anton (2010). The retirement consumption puzzle: evidence from urban Russia. Institute for Employment Research Working Paper.

Oane, Visser (2010). Insecure land rights, obstacles to family farming, and the weakness of protest in rural Russia. Laboratorium, 2(3), 275-295.

Ofer, Gur (2010). Twenty years later and the socialist heritage is still kicking.

Pearce, Jamie & Witten, Karen (2010). Geographies of obesity: environmental understandings of the obesity epidemic. Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited.

Perlman, Francesca J. A. (2010). Drinking in transition: trends in alcohol consumption in Russia 1994-2004. BMC Public Health, 10, 691. PMCID: PMC2997093

Pernsteiner, Angela (2010). Geschlechterrollenvorstellungen: Illusion vs. Realität in Russland gestern und heute-(un) überwindbare Kluft zwischen Ideal und Alltag?. GRIN Verlag.