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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Cockerham, William C.; Hinote, Brian P.; Cockerham, Geoffrey B.; & Abbott, Pamela (2006). Health lifestyles and political ideology in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. Social Science & Medicine, 62(7), 1799-1809.

Constant, Amelie; Kahanec, Martin; & Zimmermann, Klaus F. (2006). The Russian-Ukrainian earnings divide. C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers, CEPR Discussion Papers: 5904.

Csete, Joanne (2006). Rights and lessons scorned: human rights and HIV/AIDS in Russia and Eurasia.. Twigg, Judyth L. (Ed.) (pp. 165). Palgrave McMillan.

de Crombrugghe, Denis & Notten, Geranda (2006). Poverty and consumption smoothing in Russia. Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Working Paper no. MGSoG/2006/WP004.

Decoster, Andre & Ooghe, Erwin (2006). A bounded index test to make robust heterogeneous welfare comparisons. Review of Income and Wealth, 52(3), 361-376.

Denisova, Irina & Kartseva, Marina (2006). Returns on education in Russia: students looking to earn higher income should choose engineering, law or economics departments. Beyond Transition, 17(3), 5.

Dowling, John Malcolm & Yap, Chin Fang (2006). Homeostasis and well being. Singapore Management University Working Paper no. 872.

Duryea, Suzanne; Marquéz, Gustavo; Pagés, Carmen; Scarpetta, Stefano; & Reinhart, Carmen (2006). For better or for worse? Job and earnings mobility in nine middle- and low-income countries. Brookings Trade Forum, 187-209.

Eggers, Andrew; Gaddy, Clifford; & Graham, Carol (2006). Well-being and unemployment in Russia in the 1990s: can society's suffering be individuals’ solace?. Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(2), 209-242.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport (2006). Road safety performance: national peer review: Russian Federation. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.