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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Richter, Kaspar (2006). Wage arrears and economic voting in Russia. American Political Science Review, 100(1), 133-145.

Rieck, Dorothea (2006). Transition to second birth: the case of Russia. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).

Rosenberg, Dori E.; Sallis, James F.; Conway, Terry L.; Cain, Kelli L.; & McKenzie, Thomas L. (2006). Active transportation to school over 2 years in relation to weight status and physical activity. Obesity, 14(10), 1771-1776.

Rutherford, Thomas F.; Tarr, David G.; & Shepotylo, Oleksandr (2006). The impact of Russia on WTO and the DDA: the importance of liberalization of barriers against FDI in services for growth and poverty reduction.. Hertel, T. W. & Winters, L. A. (Eds.) (pp. 467-496). Washington, D. C.: World Bank.

Rutland, Peter (2006). Russia's Food Policies and Globalization. (pp. 400-401). JSTOR.

Sahib, Padma Rao; Koning, Ruud H.; & van Witteloostuijn, Arjen (2006). Putting your Best Cyber Identity Forward. International Sociology, 21(1), 61.

Seidell, Jacob C.; Doak, Colleen M.; de Munter, Jeroen S. L.; Kuijper, Lothar D. J.; & Zonneveld, Cor (2006). Cross-sectional growth references and implications for the development of an international growth standard for school-aged children and adolescents. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 27(4 Suppl Growth Standard), S189-198.

Shaban, Radwan; Asaoka, Hiromi; Barnes, Bob; Drebentsov, Vladimir; Langenbrunner, John; Sajaia, Zurab; Stevens, James; Tarr, David G.; Tesliuc, Emil Daniel; & Shabalina, Olga, et al. (2006). Reducing poverty through growth and social policy reform in Russia. Washington DC: World Bank Publications.

Shkaratan, Ovsei Irmovich & Iniasevskii, Sergei Aleksandrovich (2006). Professionals and managers in employment sphere--the state and real behavior. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 32(12), 41-53.

Smirnof, A.D. (2006). Macroeconomic Role of Stabilization Fund. статья в журнале - научная статья, 10(2).