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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Najman, Boris (2006). Economie informelle et institutions: Exit, Voice and Loyalty sur le marché du travail russe.

Nazarova, Inna B. (2006). Labor loading and health during period of reform.

Nivorozhkin, Anton (2006). Essays on unemployment duration and programme evaluation. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Nivorozhkin, Anton (2006). New estimates of the risk and duration of registered unemployment in urban Russia. International Journal of Manpower, 27(3), 274-289.

Nivorozhkin, Eugene; Nivorozhkina, Ludmila; & Nivorozhkin, Anton (2006). Leaving unemployment with state assistance: evidence from Russia.. Marshalle, Mary I. (Ed.) (pp. 63-79). New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc..

Notten, Geranda & De Crombrugghe, Denis (2006). Poverty risk and consumption smoothing abilities in Russia. MPRA Working Paper no. 5314.

Ogloblin, Constantin G. & Brock, Gregory (2006). Household income and the role of household plots in rural Russia. Applied Econometrics and International Development, 6(1), 59-76.

Ogloblin, Constantin G. & Brock, Gregory (2006). Wage determination in rural Russia: a stochastic frontier model. Post-Communist Economies, 18(3), 315-326.

Osborne, Stefan & Trueblood, Michael A. (2006). An examination of economic efficiency of Russian crop production in the reform period. Agricultural Economics, 34(1), 25-38.

Perelli-Harris, Brienna G. (2006). Social change and behavior: fertility decline in post-Soviet Ukraine and Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.