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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Takeda, Yuka (2004). Poverty dynamics in Russia during the 1990s. Slavic Studies, 2004(51), 241-272.

Tekin, Erdal (2004). Employment, wages, and alcohol consumption in Russia. Southern Economic Journal, 71(2), 397-417.

Trehub, Maksym (2004). The patterns of tax evasion in Russia: the evidence from Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of households. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Turunen, Jarkko (2004). Leaving state sector employment in Russia. Economics of Transition, 12(1), 129-152.

Vannappagari, Vani & Ryder, Robin (2004). Monitoring sexual behavior in the Russian Federation: the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992–2003. Report submitted to the US Agency for International Development.

Vernon, Victoria Konstantinova (2004). Household economies of scale, food consumption and intra-household allocation of time. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Vernon, Victoria Konstantinova (2004). The Russian labor market in transition: time to work or time to take a rest?. SSRN Working Paper -id638105.

White, Anna (2004). Small-town Russia: postcommunist livelihoods and identities: a portrait of the intelligentsia in Achit, Bednodemyanovsk and Zubtsov, 1999-2000. New York: Routledge.

Zavisca, Jane Roj (2004). Consumer inequalities and regime legitimacy in late Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Zohoori, Namvar; Blanchette, D.; & Popkin, Barry M. (2004). Monitoring health conditions in the Russian Federation: the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2003. Report submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.