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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Mroz, Thomas A.; Henderson, L.; Bontch-Osmolovsii, M.; & Popkin, B. M. (2003). Monitoring economic conditions in the Russian Federation: the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey 1992-2002. Report submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development. Chapel Hill, N. C.: Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Nazarova, Inna B. (2003). Russia's population health: factors and characteristics in the 1990s. Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya, 29(11), 57-69.

Nemtsov, Aleksandr V. (2003). Alcohol consumption level in Russia: a viewpoint on monitoring health conditions in the Russian Federation (RLMS). Addiction, 98(3), 369-370.

Nivorozhkin, Anton (2003). Evaluation of active labor market policies in Russia. SSRN Working Paper -id430961.

Notzon, Francis C.; Komarov, Yuri M.; Ermakov, Sergei P.; Savinykh, Alexei I.; Hanson, Michelle B.; & Albertorio, Juan (2003). Vital and health statistics: Russian Federation and United States, selected years 1985-2000 with an overview of Russian mortality in the 1990s. Vital and health statistics. Series 5, Comparative international vital and health statistics reports, 5(11), 1-55, 1-58.

Ogloblin, Constantin G. & Brock, Gregory (2003). Smoking in Russia: the ‘Marlboro Man’rides but without ‘Virginia Slims’ for now. Comparative Economic Studies, 45(1), 87-103.

Ovcharova, Lilia & Pishnyak, Alina (2003). Rural poverty in Russia.. The World Bank Eastern Europe and Central Asia, ECSSD (Ed.) (pp. 27-37). Moscow, Russia: Astro-Plus Publishers.

Peter, Klara Sabirianova (2003). Skill-biased transition: the role of markets, institutions, and technological change. William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School.

Pomerleau, Joceline; Lock, Karen; & McKee, Martin (2003). Discrepancies between ecological and individual data on fruit and vegetable consumption in fifteen countries. British Journal of Nutrition, 89(6), 827-834.

Reilly, Barry; Krsti; ć; & , Gorana (2003). Employees and second job holding in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Economics of Transition, 11(1), 93-122.