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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Robinson, David O. (2003). Macroeconomic policymaking.. Wynn Owen, David Edwin & Robinson, D.O. (Eds.) (pp. 25-56). Washington D.C.: International Monetary Fund.

Roshchin, Sergey Y. (2003). Gender equality and extension of women rights in Russia within millennium development goals. United Nations Debelopment Programme.

Sedik, David J.; Sotnikov, Sergei; & Wiesmann, Doris (2003). Food security in the Russian Federation. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 153.

Serhiy, Stepanchuk (2003). Labor market segmentation: the case of Ukraine and Russia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Shields, Michael A. & Price, Stephen Wheatley (2003). The labour market outcomes and psychological well-being of ethnic minority migrants in Britain. London: Home Office.

Shleifer, Andrei (2003). A normal country: Russia after communism. Harvard University Press.

Skoufias, Emmanuel (2003). Consumption smoothing in Russia: evidence from the RLMS. Economics of Transition, 11(1), 67-91.

Smirnova, Natalia Viktorovna (2003). Job search behavior of unemployed in Russia. WDI Working Papers no. 629.

Smirnova, Natalia Viktorovna (2003). Re-employment probabilities and wage offer function for Russian labor market. William Davidson Institute Working Paper No. 547.

Sorokin, Olga; Miller, Arlene Michaels; Chandler, Peggy; & Drossos, Tatiana (2003). Twenty-four hour dietary recalls of women from the former Soviet Union.