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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Geishecker, Ingo & Haisken-DeNew, John P. (2002). Riding the transition roller-coaster: flexibility and the inter-industry wage structure in Russia. DIW-Diskussionspapiere 280.

Gerry, Christopher J. & Li, Carmen A. (2002). Vulnerability to welfare change during economic shocks: evidence from the 1998 Russian crisis. Colchester: University of Essex.

Gershenson, Dmitriy & Greene, Joshua (2002). Macroeconomic processes and regional economies management: fiscal reforms in the BRO Countries, 1996-2002. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 1(1), 5-21.

Gignoux, Jérémie & Najman, Boris (2002). Offre de travail familiale et secteur informel en Russie, 1994-2000. mimeo.

Gorshkov, Mikhail (2002). The dynamics of value-orientations of citizens of Russia under conditions of a systemic transformation.

Graham, Carol (2002). Mobility, opportunity and vulnerability: the dynamics of poverty and inequality in a global economy. Journal of Human Development, 3(1), 57-94.

Graham, Carol & Pettinato, Stefano (2002). Frustrated achievers: winners, losers and subjective well-being in new market economies. Journal of Development Studies, 38(4), 100-140.

Graham, Carol & Pettinato, Stefano (2002). Happiness and hardship: opportunity and insecurity in new market economies. Washington, D. C.: Brookings Institution Press.

Grub, Martin & Suprinovi, Olga (2002). Poverty and inequality in Russia during the 1990s, an empirical investigation. Arbeitsberichte---Discussion Papers No. 02/02.

Gundersen, Craig (2002). The well-being and the decisions of farm households: the uses of cross-country comparisons.