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Displaying 10 of 1671 matching citations.

Zavisca, Jane Roj (2008). Property without markets: housing policy and politics in Post-Soviet Russia, 1992–2007. Comparative European Politics, 6(3), 365-386.

Zhu, Xuemei & Lee, Chanam (2008). Walkability and safety around elementary schools: economic and ethnic disparities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34(4), 282-290.

Красовський, Костянтин; Андрєєва, Тетяна; Andreeva, T.; Андреева, Татьяна; Krasovsky, K.; & Красовский, Константин (2008). Глобальна тютюнова епідемія і протистояння їй в Україні. Східноєвропейський журнал громадського здоров'я., 4, 66-70.

Adari, Johnson .S.; Moghadam, Mashaallah R.; & Starnes, Charles N. (2007). Life expectancy of people living with HIV/AIDS and associated socioeconomic factors in Kenya. Journal of International Development, 19(3), 357-366.

Alexandrova, Anastasia & Grishina, Elena (2007). Who receives targeted benefits in transition? The effect of household characteristics on take-up rates in Russia's child allowance programme. Social Policy and Society, 6(2), 141-150.

Balabanova, Dina C. (2007). Health sector reform and equity in transition. Johannesburg, South Africa: University of the Witwatersrand, Center for Health Policy.

Balan Cohen, Andreea (2007). Essays in public economics. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Baltagi, Badi H. (2007). On the use of panel data methods to estimate rational addiction models. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 54(1), 1-18.

Banerjee, Arup (2007). Occupation segregation and gender earnings differentials in Slovenia. Master's thesis / Doctoral dissertation.

Batchikov, Serguei; Glasev, Serguei; Kara-Murza, Serguei; & Ortiz, Antonio Fernández (2007). El libro blanco de Rusia: las reformas neoliberales: 1991-2004. Ediciones De Intervención Cultural/El Viejo Topo.